Cagliari EXCHANGE women's spring and summer 2016 series of Cagliari, through the product to express concern for culture and change. Injecting the latest sharp attitudes and concepts into an elegant female image.

With the accelerated update of technology and change, the evolution of fashion has also paid more attention to digital, science and technology.

Fashion is not only the description of external images such as outfits, but also the expression of spiritual areas and lifestyles.

Cagliari CAGLIARI EXCHANGE Women's Spring/Summer 2016 Collection

The cutting-edge artists transform the intangible objects behind the screen into solid bodies with solid textures, and use computer modeling software to stereoscopicize images to highlight colors and compositions, or to incorporate digital interfaces into everyday textile fabrics.

Reality and Virtuality, Technology and Elegance, Come and Join the 2016 Fashionable Modern Urban Women

Hygroscopic Spandex

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