Color to come and go but also that several, unless it is bold collision color, the general color can match with the achromatic color complement each other. As for the cool and warm colors are also relative, not fixed. For example, put the red rose with the big red, the former is the latter is cold color. Then, the topic of this issue comes: "How to match the color with senior sense?" The most common wardrobe must have is black. Black gives a sense of dignity, self-confidence and intelligence, so wearing black at the interview or on important social occasions, or even when you first meet someone you like, leaves a good impression on each other. White fire for several quarters, neither want to appear in the shadow of a dark gray, but also feel all-white too much in despair, black and white mixed chanting, in my mind no more than black and white more eye-catching color, clean purely. In addition to neutral black and white ash most of the color is cool, of course, including green plus black. Whether it is dark green or gorgeous brilliant green cobalt, can give you a different surprise. Such as the beautiful and beautiful purple flower blue purple and white is the best match, the two cold colors collide together to give a fresh, refreshing feeling, the two colors in the workplace dress play a positive role beyond your imagination . Garment Rivets,Jean Button Rivets,Custom Button Rivet,Jean Buttons And Rivets Guangzhou Sanko Button Co Ltd ,